Your journey to wellness does not end when you leave the operating room after a major surgery. Doctors must schedule follow-up appointments to monitor patients' progress. They must check how wounds are healing, adjust medications and address any concerns. Ignoring or...
Medical Malpractice
Is it okay for me to get a second opinion from a doctor?
If you’ve been seeing a specific doctor for a while and your gut tells you it’s time to obtain a second opinion, you should go for it. After all, it’s your health that’s at stake. Many people have seen better results when they sought the opinion of another physician...
Sexually harassed by a healthcare professional? It may be malpractice
When seeking medical treatment, patients expect their healthcare providers to help them recover and to treat them with dignity. Unfortunately, there may be a power imbalance that could leave patients vulnerable to abuse by their healthcare professionals. If a...
Examples of medical breaches of the duty of care
Doctors and medical staff owe patients a duty of care. This duty arises from the moment that a medical facility sees a patient. For the most part, medical staff meet the required standards in the profession, but this isn’t always the case. There may be occasions where...
Common examples of medical negligence
Doctors and other healthcare professionals are held to a high standard. They are expected to diagnose and treat patients to the best of their abilities. Behavior that falls below the expected standard in the medical field can amount to medical malpractice. In medical...
What’s distracted doctoring?
Technology has become an integral part of daily life in this country – and it’s also a critical tool in medicine. Unfortunately, technology also tends to be highly addictive. Personal electronic devices like smartphones, tablets and computers have a huge potential to...
What is medical malpractice and why does it happen?
Medical malpractice happens when a hospital or health care provider fails to provide their patient with the legal standard of care any other person in the same profession would under the same circumstances. It is when a health care provider deviates from the...