- Few medical complaints warrant malpractice claim
[2016-15-02] - Tort Reform: What is it really costing America?
[2015-29-05] - Medical Errors Cause Thousands of Deaths
[2014-16-09] - Why Does Health Care Cost so Much in America? Ask Harvard’s David Cutler
[2013-19-11] - Can Obamacare Improve Patient Safety? Tort Reform Hasn’t.
[2013-26-10] - Medical Records Subpoenas
[2013-04-10] - Health Information Portability & Accountability Act
[2013-04-10] - Spring Starts Central Oregon Biking Season: Facts and Tips!
[2013-03-29] - 4-Step Program to HIPAA Compliance
[2013-02-14] - Jennifer Coughlin Sets the Stage for Victims Rights in the Social Media Age
[2013-02-21] - Preserving Evidence of My Personal Injury Claim
[2012-08-21] - Ten Reasons To Hire A Local Attorney?
[2011-12-21] - What is My Case Worth?
[2011-07-12] - What’s REALLY With the McDonald’s Hot Coffee Case?